Thursday, May 23, 2013

Tokyo: Day 3

Japan, Day 3

Yesturday was just, ohmigosh すごい!

I stared the day around 4:30 thanks to the time change. It was lovely. The apartment we are staying in has a balcony where I spent much of the morning watching Tokyo wake up.

When the whole team was up and ready, we went to the Edo-Tokyo museum in order to learn more about the history of Japan and of Tokyo city. We met up with Atsushi, an intern of the MTW team in Tokyo. We also met Edwardo, a Brazilian-Canadian who is touring Japan for two weeks for vacation, and he stayed with us for the rest of the day!

The team plus Atsushi and Edwardo (has a Canadian flag on his shirt) sitting at a traditional Japanese dinning room table.

After that we went to lunch a at sumo wrestling... venue? It's near the only sumo arena in Tokyo and serves traditional sumo wrestling fare, as well as being home to a mini sumo arena:
Ryan and Edwardo wrestling at the restaurant. No women allowed! (For real, there was a sign that said this!)

Next we met up with Seima, who leads the team in Tokyo, and toured part of the city where the Tokyo team wants to plant a church. Then we took a boat across Tokyo bay. 

I'm still hazy on where we were exactly, just another section of Tokyo. That happened to have a miniature Statue of Liberty.

Our day ended with a trip to the onsen (オンセ). Let me tell you, there's nothing quite like team building like going to a public bathhouse together. Onsen are bathhouses built on natural hot springs. The Odiaba Onsen is kind of like the theme park of all onsen--for roughly $17 you can enjoy an outside foot bath, eat dinner (sold seperate), before splitting off between men and women and taking a relaxing shower then bathing in any of 10 or so different hot spring pools.

Between you and me? I was terrified of this part of the trip. However, it turned out to be a wonderful experience and helped ease any shyness, shame, or embarrassment that might be within the team. And it felt wonderful, a perfect way to relax after a long trip!
Me in a yukata ゆかた at the onsen foot bath! 
And the team at the foot baths! Don't we look so Japanese?!

Until next time! Jan mata! じゃまた!

From the Thistle:

Friday, May 24:

  • Where we are: Tokyo
  • What we're doing: Japanese cultural engagement; the Healing Path workshop at Grace City Church Tokyo.
  • Prayer Requests: For appreciation/understanding of Japanese culture, for strength for Diane and her ability to connect with participants, and open reception of the material for the Healing Path workshop.

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